
Well, this post is a couple months late and hopefully not to off topic. In fact, I might not even post this here except for the fact that the Canadian Delegation is a terrific presence on this site. I feel an emotional connection to the group - in spite of my lack of postings.

I now have a boyfriend from Ottawa. (I've been single for 8+ years. Mostly out of fear and perhaps an over devotion to my work.) The much loved boyfriend is a programmer for a Silicon Valley company. He is funny and chatty unlike so many programmer types. He is overly self-deprecating which leads to greater internal angst than is helpful perhaps. He's very kind and unassuming - part of the reason why I like him so much. Oh yes, and the first time he saw Beemie he said "Is that your car?" in some astonished manner as if it were not true. "Oh yes, that is the Beemie. It's great, I think." Needless to say, this was a plus.

I think this might work out as a long term thing. I'm really thrilled about it.

Hugs, Kelly
You know the definition of an extrovert programmer? That is a programmer who looks at the other person's shoes when talking to somebody. :-)

(I am also a software guy)
Oh, the stereotype!

I imagine California to be a great place to live, where people from allover the world move to make a living there.
Over here, we meet most foreign people as tourists, and is not the same.

All the best for you Kelly and the luckiest Ottawan.
Enjoy life!

Glad you're on that side of the love spectrum!

Wish you lots of happy times and lots of luck, enjoy each other!
Ove Kvam
You know the definition of an extrovert programmer? That is a programmer who looks at the other person's shoes when talking to somebody. :-)

(I am also a software guy)

That is hilarious.

Glad to hear things are going well, Kelly, including the good news on the car in your other post.

Kelly, that's so cool. He sounds like a beautiful dude :wavey:
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